Federico Croci
Titolo [Ita]:
Cogitare edax rerum. Logica del pensare e logica del sentire in Giovanni Gentile
Title [Eng]:
Cogitare edax rerum. Logic of thinking and Logic of Feeling in Giovanni Gentile
Data pubblicazione: 2014
Fascicolo: LIII - anno: 2014 - pp. 165-176
Lingua: Italiano.
DOI: 10.1400/252569
Abstract [Eng]
The article discusses the role of the Logic, considered as the beginning of philosophizing, in Gentile’s Actualism. In particular, the article focuses on the link between the logic of concrete and the logic of abstract, explaining a series of aporias based on the Hegelian conception of thought as a relationship of terms. Gentile shows that the Philosophy, identified with the Logic, is the absolute formalism: however, the logic of concrete appears as «a place of boundless loneliness», where the abstract never really has a ‘body’: thinking the identity and the difference of the two aspects of the Logic remains impossible. The eternal doubt as the eternal philosophizing: it is the continuous rise of the unknown.
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