Emanuele Lago
Titolo [Ita]:
L'aporia del nulla e il problema del passato: Nietzsche, Gentile e il mythos di Parmenide
Title [Eng]:
The aporia of nothing and the problem of the past: Nietzsche, Gentile and the mythos of Parmenides
Data pubblicazione: 2014
Fascicolo: LIII - anno: 2014 - pp. 141-164
Lingua: Italiano.
DOI: 10.1400/252568
Abstract [Eng]
The purpose of the essay is to find the essential convergence between Nietzsche and Gentile, in the way they both intend to go beyond western Metaphysics and its statement of the immutable being, basing themselves on Parmenides’ sense of negation.
Both of them show that to accomplish this “going beyond” means to avoid that an unchangeable dimension sets itself up in the development of the Being, with the passing of what passes. It’s in the way Nietzsche and Gentile have to reckon with the true meaning of the past, in order to really think the progress of the Being, that they reach their utmost convergence and, at the same time, their utmost fatal divergence. To reveal the meaning of this divergence is the ultimate task of this piece of writing.
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