Rita Fulco
Titolo [Ita]:
Il foglio bianco dell'oblio. Sergio Quinzio: memoria e frattempo messianico
Title [Eng]:
The blank sheet of oblivion. Sergio Quinzio: memory and messianic meantime
Data pubblicazione: 2017
Fascicolo: LVI - anno: 2017/1 - pp. 155-167
Lingua: Italiano.
DOI: 10.1400/258167
Abstract [Eng]
The topic of white provides an opportunity to go back to Sergio Quinzio’s thought, and to deal with some fundamental questions: death, that concerns the anthropologic and existential sphere; the promise of God’s Kingdom (still to come), that pervades the theological horizon; the messianic temporality and the meantime that, including both, questions the philosophical dimension. Quinzio deals with the question of death as scandal from a Christian perspective: God’s Kingdom, promised as forthcoming, is slow and time is running out, memories are fading, reduced to scraps of pages showing eroded traces of life, even of the most loved ones, until memory becomes totally white. White is thus thought of as the space of oblivion, and Quinzio considers it as the supreme hazard. He goes so far that he considers it as emblematic of an essentially impossible salvation.
Re-edition 2016 on the occasion of the journal's 60th anniversary