Cassandra Basile
Titolo [Ita]:
La società-teatro. Gioco, finzione, mimesi e conoscenza di sé in Kant
Title [Eng]:
The society-theatre. Game, fiction, mimesis and self-knowledge in Kant
Data pubblicazione: 2019
Fascicolo: LVIII - anno: 2019/1 - pp. 91-105
Lingua: Italiano.
DOI: 10.1400/270731
Abstract [Eng]
The analogy between society and theatre used by Kant is one of the most important tools to study the inner world of man through his outer shell, as well as an effective way to highlight the double link existing between man and society, because it allows us to explain not only how man can be the creator of the social context in which he lives, but also how it can condition him, and how it can have a profound impact on the self-knowledge investigation.
My paper is structured in three paragraphs. Starting from the type of analogy that Kant develops, I highlight the concepts underlying that analogy (such as concepts of play, fiction and mimesis) characterizing the context of the society-theatre. In the second paragraph I describe the type of mimesis that man implements in society. In the third, I analyze how the concept of fiction that men create in the social context generates a moral illusion that, instead of being a harbinger of deception, is essential for the individual. This is because, through the illusion, man can do a critical analysis of himself, beginning a journey of discovery of his true nature.
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