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L'occulta necessità della proposizione: Gentile, Scaravelli e la logica dell'astratto


Giulio Goria

Titolo [Ita]:

L'occulta necessità della proposizione: Gentile, Scaravelli e la logica dell'astratto

Title [Eng]:

The occult necessity of the proposition: Gentile, Scaravelli and the logic of the abstract

Data pubblicazione: 2014

Fascicolo: LIII - anno: 2014 - pp. 79-100

Lingua: Italiano.

DOI: 10.1400/252566

Abstract [Eng]

There is a basic convergence between Hegel’s speculative logic and the di­alectics of Italian Actualism (in Gentile and his disciple Scaravelli) regarding the theme of the philosophical proposition. Hegel’s conception by which the form of the proposition, and more precisely the form of judgment, is unable to express the concrete and the speculative is valid also for Gentile. To re­move and outplace the one-sidedness of judgment is therefore the objective of Gentile’s dialectics, too; according to Scaravelli, it is possible to find the condition on the basis of which the negativity of reflexive-dialectical deter­mination is revealed: that is, diversity manifests itself as negative opposition.


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